D&D Campaign
This is about the current D&D 3.5e campaign I'm participating in. This is as much for my benefit as for other people, as I keep losing my character sheets.
Ahriman DeVarr - LG Human Cleric 3/Psion(Telepath) 2
A follower of a deity that I really can't remember, Ahriman is a pacifist. He is really rather uber with disabling spells, though.
Noteworthy deeds:
Soras Zehlan - CN Human Swashbuckler 7
Not a very nice individual. He enjoys larceny.
Noteworthy deeds:
Find Soras' character sheet Here!
Brin Waelfwulf - LG Human Ranger 7
Has a wolf called Wolfy. Hopes to become a Lion of Talisid one day, when I put it into Redblade. The spelling is probably horiffic, but this is all only from memory.
Noteworthy deeds:
Ellorand - CN Elf Bard 5
A selfish, wealthy individual.
Noteworthy deeds:
Some paladin woman - LG Paladin 3
The owner of this character rarely turned up, so was eventually booted.
Noteworthy deeds:
Some dwarf man - NG Fighter 7
I remember little about him. But he had an axe.
Noteworthy deeds: