A Light to Dispel the Dark
The nobility of London has become corrupted by a dark power, turning them to vampires, and they hold Britain in an iron grip. Any citizens outside of the divinely protected church, wherein the last living Archbishop resides, are potential food for the ravenous undead hordes.
The fall of the greatest of the vampires is near at hand. You have infiltrated the mansion of the mightiest tyrant of London, Lord Alexander Deren.
And that's really all I can say about the plot without spoiling it. This is intended to be a story-driven module, with roleplay aplenty. Currently, very little is done; the introduction, the face-off with the great vampire is done, as is the district around the church. I also know what's going to happen, which is a big plus.
This module features (or at least will):
There will be screenshots when I take some.
There is information about some of the major characters to be found here.
If you want to help me with this, send an Email to priceofprogression@yahoo.co.uk and go to this post on the Sorcerer's Place message boards for more information.